

The Strength Training app is available on all devices!

Dear user,

Thank you for your purchase of Strength Training – Monthly Subscription

A welcome email was sent to you including:
– Login details (your email | default pass 123 or the one you set)
– Link to the product on all devices! Click Here
– An invoice for your purchase
– Billing provider account ID (please save this ID number and add it to emails sent to customer support).


If you wish to change your password, use the `Change\Forgot Password? ` option on the login screen or in the profile screen.


Our membership is subscription auto-renewal based. The automatic renewal is intended to improve the efficiency of the service we provide for you. In the event that you will like the software and would like to continue, you will not have to go through this process again.

You will get an email reminder about the subscription one week before your subscription period ends and automatically renewed.

To disable auto-renewal, please navigate to your mobile app, “Profile” screen and click on “Cancel Auto-Renewal?” or send us an email any time to info@muscleandmotion.com



We’d be happy to have feedback or should you have any questions please contact us any time at info@muscleandmotion.com

Wishing you a fruitful and exciting learning experience.


M&M, Strength Training Team