
Exercise Science

Blog featured image Warming Up

Does Warming Up Prevent Injury In Sport?

For years, athletes, trainers, and researchers have discussed the benefits and potential drawbacks of warming up, particularly its effectiveness in preventing injuries. While some swear by the practice, others question its necessity. This Muscle and Motion article explores the types of warming up, the theory behind its benefits, and its role in the larger equation […]

Blog featured image Guide to Building Strong, Impressive Arms

The Ultimate Guide to Building Strong, Impressive Arms

If you ask gym-goers which body part they most want to grow, the answer for many is clear—arms. There’s something undeniably compelling about strong, well-defined arms. They’re more than just a symbol of physical strength; they’re the foundation of an impressive upper body that naturally draws attention. Whether lifting, pushing or simply going about your […]

From Stiff to Squat: Overcoming Deep Squat Challenges

Whether new to the gym or an experienced trainee, deep squats should be an essential part of your exercise routine. From dumbbell squats to single-leg variations, you can incorporate a wide range of squat exercises to enhance your strength and flexibility. This Muscle and Motion blog will provide all the information you need to start […]

Blog featured image Diastasis Recti

The Secret to Fixing Diastasis Recti: What Really Works?

Diastasis recti (DR) is a condition affecting many women, especially after childbirth. With various claims about the “best” exercises to fix this issue, it can be confusing to navigate what truly helps. This Muscle and Motion article provides a clear overview of diastasis recti. We will explore the anatomy of the abdominal muscles and the […]

Blog featured image injuries

How To Prevent Overuse Injuries: 9 Tips

Engaging in sports offers numerous health benefits, from improving cardiovascular fitness to enhancing mental well-being. However, the repetitive nature of many sports activities can lead to overuse injuries, which are common among athletes across various disciplines. These injuries occur when muscles, tendons, and bones are subjected to repetitive stress without adequate rest and recovery. This […]

Blog featured image Role of Time Under Tension

The Role of Time Under Tension In Hypertrophy & Strength

Are you looking to maximize your muscle growth and strength gains? There are countless ways to increase the load on your muscles during workouts. Consider adding more weight, cranking out extra reps, or tacking on additional sets. But have you ever considered slowing things down to amp up your results? Enter the world of time […]

Blog featured image Posterior Deltoid

Superhero Shoulders: Building Your Posterior Deltoid

When you ask fitness enthusiasts about their goals, many mention achieving a V-shaped upper body with strong, well-rounded shoulders. While the front and side deltoids often get most of the focus, the rear deltoids complete your physique and elevate your gains to the next level. Imagine having shoulders as impressive as Captain America’s – broad, […]

Blog featured image Lean Muscle Mass

Can Lean Muscle Mass Save Your Life?

Imagine a simple yet powerful way to enhance your health, longevity, and quality of life—it comes down to building and maintaining lean muscle mass. While many people focus on losing excess fat for better health, they often overlook the equally critical need for maintaining sufficient muscle mass. Lean muscle mass is not just about aesthetics; […]

Blog featured image_Rowing_machine

Mastering the Rowing Machine: A Comprehensive Guide

The rowing machine has evolved from its ancient maritime origins into a staple fitness tool known for its ability to deliver a comprehensive, low-impact workout. Originally used as a means of transportation and competitive sport, rowing became an essential fitness regimen due to its remarkable capacity to engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This Muscle and […]

Blog featured image bone density

Enhancing Bone Density Through Exercise

Most people know the benefits of strength training for building muscle mass (if you’re not, check out our article on Strength Training). But did you know that strength training is crucial for building and maintaining bone mass? You might have noticed a bone-building exercise group at your gym, usually of older adults lifting light weights […]